Average for Primary school, Bánovce nad Bebravou

Overall school rating
Testing 9
Exceptional achievements
State school inspection
Participation in competitions
Pedagogical staff
Financial resources
All indicators
Testing 9
Slovak language
71 %
64 %
Hungarian language
Slovak language and slovak literature
State school inspection
School management
86 %
Education conditions
80 %
Socio-educational process
88 %
9th grade Slovak Language
4th grade Natural sciences
9th grade Physics
9th grade Biology
Competitions participation
Competitions participation
Komparo - mathematics
Komparo - Slovak language
Exceptional achievements
Exceptional achievements
0,4 €
Pedagogical staff
Teachers per 100 students
Utilization of ICT
57 %
Share of qualified pedagogues
97 %
Financial resources
Resources per student
1 522 €
School own resources

We offer the information on primary and secondary schools, which exist on the national level and describe the results of the students, or the conditions for teaching. If people have quality information, they can make better decisions based on them. Therefore, we think that through this project we can help the parents of the future students and the schools as well, because by comparing with one another, they will be motivated to better results.

Rankings do not comprehensively evaluate the quality of a school, but they inform about the students’ results. These results do not consider the differences between the students of individual schools caused by various factors other than the educational process (such as the different social background), they do not cover the whole content of education and they do not assess the added value of a school, that is, what skills and knowledge has the school delivered to its students. Rankings can therefore be a useful indicator when choosing a school, but they should mainly draw the public into the discussion about the quality of schools.

For acquiring a more precise image, the parents should ask the schools about the further prospects of the students, either in enrollment on universities, or when entering the labor market. Important are also information on the performance of the students in various competitions, on the technical equipment, or the structure of the classes.

This project was supported by a grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Foundations. The project is run by INEKO Institute which is a non-governmental non-profit organization established in support of economic and social reforms which aim to remove barriers to the long-term positive development of the Slovak economy and society. INEKO is not responsible for the full functionality of portals created by INEKO or third parties, or for the accuracy of data displayed on the created portals.